When I was 10 years old my dream was to change the world. I didn’t really know what should be changed but I knew the one that can make a change should be me. I was thinking about that a lot...how can I fight terrorism or injustice? But I couldn’t find the answer.
When I was 11, my father gave me an old Zenith camera he used to take pictures with in the '80s and '90s in Poland.
I started taking my first pictures, took part in many courses about photography and processing the pictures and started to fall in love with that kind of art. I was thinking about becoming “a real” photographer, to make my Art a way of my life.
A couple years later I graduated high school and decided to study photography in Melbourne.
Unfortunately, during the course, I had to say “ciao!” to the illusion of being a rich, independent photographer living from art, and realized, that to make money from photography I need to have clients and meet their expectations, providing them a product they want. And that word – a product – happened to be something I just couldn’t swallow. My parents told me when I was a kid that I should always aim for my dreams, not to be a conformist and to always say and do what I feel I should.
I want and I need to make my ideas real, to take them out of my head and put them on paper or a computer screen without thinking that my client might not be satisfied. I cannot treat my Art as a product. The truth, meaning and sense of my life is nothing I could exchange for money. Oh... well, maybe a couple millions $ would do... but anyway:
And my Art, fine Art, is the only way I see I can live and be happy with what I do. The fact that I am unable to turn my heart into a product gives me a real INDEPENDENCE.
And maybe, one day, I would make my first dream come true?
I used to live in Krakow and Warsaw in Poland.
Then I used to live in Melbourne in Australia.
Now I am back to Warsaw for some time (I study Graphic Design).
I am still doing my job as the only thing I really can do.
And here is my Facebook profile, Instagram full of old cars and e-mail if you would like to offer me that million $ :
Instagram: A.Twiggy